Here in Chicago it's looking like we are going to have another beautiful weekend. The highs for both Saturday and Sunday are in the mid-50s, so I'm hoping to get outside with the babies for some workouts!
Need an idea for a good outdoor stroller workout? Since I used to teach Stroller Fitness classes, I would make up my own workout every day. I always wrote out each of my workouts, so I have a entire stack of index cards from every class I taught. I will share one of my workouts with y'all.
*Warm up for 5 minutes
*Warm up walk for 4 minutes
*Increased Cardio/strength: 8 minutes (2 REPS)
-1:15 of step-ups on a bench or bleachers ( run up and down alternating legs, with arms above your head ) -30 seconds of step-ups on a bench or bleacher with a slow arobesque lift
- 15 push-ups on a bench or on the ground
*Walk, maintain heart rate for 4 minutes
*Strength/Cardio: 5 minutes (2 REPS)
-10 regular squats
-10 squats alternating a front kick after each one
-10 squats alternating a side kick after each one
-10 regular squats
-10 burpees
*Walk, maintain heart rate for 3 minutes
*Strength/Cardio: 6 minutes (2 REPS)
-Grapevine down and back, 5 tuck jumps
-30 seconds of punching bag
-20 jumping jacks
*Walk, maintain heart rate for 4 minutes
*Strength: 5 minutes (2 REPS)
-10 skull crushers on 1 leg ( I use a resistance band )
-10 tricep dips on a bench or bleacher
-30 seconds of high knees in place
*Walking lunges with stroller (5 minutes) Add an arobesque after each lunge if possible
*Strength: 5 minutes (2 REPS)
-10 bicep curls with band
-leg circles while balancing on stroller - 10 each way
*Cooldown - Stretch: 5 minutes
1 Month down!
5 years ago
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