Friday, November 16, 2012

Stroller Fitness Workout

Here in Chicago it's looking like we are going to have another beautiful weekend.  The highs for both Saturday and Sunday are in the mid-50s, so I'm hoping to get outside with the babies for some workouts!

Need an idea for a good outdoor stroller workout?  Since I used to teach Stroller Fitness classes, I would make up my own workout every day.  I always wrote out each of my workouts, so I have a entire stack of index cards from every class I taught.  I will share one of my workouts with y'all.

*Warm up for 5 minutes

*Warm up walk for 4 minutes

*Increased Cardio/strength:  8 minutes (2 REPS)
-1:15 of step-ups on a bench or bleachers ( run up and down  alternating legs, with arms above your head ) -30 seconds of step-ups on a bench or bleacher with a slow arobesque lift
- 15 push-ups on a bench or on the ground

*Walk, maintain heart rate for 4 minutes

*Strength/Cardio:  5 minutes (2 REPS)
-10 regular squats
-10 squats alternating a front kick after each one
-10 squats alternating a side kick after each one
-10 regular squats

-10 burpees

*Walk, maintain heart rate for 3 minutes

*Strength/Cardio:  6 minutes (2 REPS)
-Grapevine down and back, 5 tuck jumps
-30 seconds of punching bag
-20 jumping jacks

*Walk, maintain heart rate for 4 minutes

*Strength:  5 minutes (2 REPS)
-10 skull crushers on 1 leg ( I use a resistance band )
-10 tricep dips on a bench or bleacher
-30 seconds of high knees in place

*Walking lunges with stroller (5 minutes)  Add an arobesque after each lunge if possible

*Strength:  5 minutes  (2 REPS)
-10 bicep curls with band
-leg circles while balancing on stroller - 10 each way

*Cooldown - Stretch:  5 minutes

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